MV310 for MSFS2020

MV310 for MSFS2020

Elegance and Power

Immensely popular, this familiar looking twin evokes the classic grace of the most popular light aircraft, embodying all the style and class you would hope to find in your simulated skies, along with unrivalled flight dynamics, exquisite attention to detail, and a whole host of immersive features.

"Attention to detail is what has impressed me most with this 310R product from Blackbird Simulations. From the roar of the twin IO-520M engines on a normal takeoff to the asymmetric effects of an engine failure when airborne. It’s all there, and flies like the real thing right down to the performance manual numbers. The team at Blackbird Simulations have done an outstanding job of simulating both normal & abnormal ops with this groundbreaking release."

CFII/MEI/310R pilot.

"If I could only have one plane in this sim,
this would be it."

MSFS forums.

MSFS 2020

$39.99 USD

(Local taxes may apply)

We are proud to present our 310R light twin for MSFS!

Perfecting a Classic

It's been a long time coming, but as the saying goes: Good things come to those that wait!

We have a long history with the 310, with very well known and widely respected versions released over the past decade for previous simulation platforms. However, with the increased freedom available to us within Microsoft Flight Simulator, we've chosen to take the longer (and more rewarding) path of starting fresh. Regardless of whether or not you've experienced one of our previous versions of this lovely aircraft, you're in for a surprise!

Although this release builds on our long experience with this aircraft, it's not a port in any way, shape, or form - from the ground up, we've seized every opportunity to present a completely fresh and ground breaking release. From the beautiful 4K/8K textures, an insanely detailed model, an engaging feature set that rewards both casual flying as well as aircraft ownership, to systems depth that rivals the deepest study level simulations, our 310R ensures an immersive piloting experience that is truly top-class.

Owning, renting, or just a joyride?

Do you want the responsibilities of owning your own aircraft, taking care to fly it correctly, recognizing that everything you do has potential consequences? Or would you rather recreate the experience of a rental or a club aircraft, where it's a necessity to check things over carefully before your flight - there's no telling what might have been turned on, or off? Or would you prefer the ease of sliding behind the yoke of a perfectly pristine aircraft, engines purring away, ready to leap into the air at your command?

Regardless of your choice, we've created the perfect aircraft for you!

Imagine you have just acquired the aircraft; on first load, click the 'Individualize' button on the EFB, and the wear and tear each component will be randomly set, providing a realistic start to your new life together. Choosing the ownership experience means that every time you get in to the cockpit, all the controls will be exactly how you left them, and the aircraft condition, (the wear and tear on all the components), will be exactly as it was when you ended your last flight. With 236 persistently saved points of wear in the engines, systems, and instrumentation, this mode rewards proper care and attention!

For each individual livery and custom tail number, all your custom settings, including maintenance state, will persist from flight to flight, allowing you to build up a long term realistic rapport with your plane(s). Treat you plane with consideration, and your maintenance cycles will be longer; handle roughly and the abused parts will wear out sooner!

Now imagine that this is not your aircraft, but one that you have rented. In that case, who knows how it was left? The state of the controls, switches, knobs and dials - it will all be randomly set and will probably require some attention. The rental option adds some variety to your flight experience with random state settings for everything. Make sure you carefully work through your checklists! And realistically, although the state of the aircraft may change each time you get in, persistence from flight to flight means that it's still the same aircraft; the hours sill still work their way upwards on the hobbs meter, with hours also accruing in your absence. Some wear might be present, but the rental agency is in generally in charge of fixing things before you get in!

Too much like hard work? Do you just want to have some relaxing fun? Or maybe you just want to get down to the exploring the beautiful world this simulator presents from the air? Then select the 'default' option and everything will be as if brand new, every flight!

Fail or fail not, there is no... wait, there's ALL the choices!

All of that accuracy and realism we've built into the MV310R requires consequences - the ability for components or systems to fail is what gives depth and meaning to taking care of your simulated aircraft. But we also recognize that the very existence of failures can make things frustrating for those of you who are wanting to have fun and relax, or can make things inaccessible to those just starting their journey in flight simulation. Which is why we've tailored our simulation of the 310R to be customizable exactly to your liking.

There are four levels of failure probability, which allow for flights from the ideal, completely trouble-free jaunt, through to the most perilous journey, expressly designed to test your mettle in emergency situations. In between, there are the more realistic levels where failures rarely, or occasionally crop up.

And for those that don't want to wait until after you've landed to check if unexpected behaviors are a result of a failure or simply down to incorrect operation, we have included a hidden function to the DME display that, on clicking, will show current and incipient failures via means of an error code.

The Electronic Flight Bag, or how I learned to love the MV310R!

Our EFB tablet is the control center of the MV310R. With an abundance of configuration options and settings for external features, avionics, personalization, passengers, luggage and fuel, there's a huge amount to take in!

The tablet allows you to choose the kind of ownership experience you prefer on a livery-by-livery basis, as well as providing detailed control over realism and failure frequency. A dedicated maintenance screen is available while the aircraft is parked, which allows a thorough appraisal of the aircraft condition. All major items are displayed with their current status. Suppose you are 'on a budget', perhaps you will decide to overhaul only the items in most need of attention. On the other hand, if imaginary money is no object, maybe you will do a complete overhaul. Yet another feature in the MV310R that allows granular individualization that results in a unique and bespoke ownership experience.

It's hard to do it justice in a only couple of paragraphs, so please refer to the manual for more information!

Flight Dynamics - Setting a new standard

All of the systems realism that we've described above deserves, no, demands that the aircraft also fly realistically!

With a testing team that includes real life pilots with tons of experience across a variety of types, including the 310R, we've worked tirelessly under their direction to finesse the flight model to a state where it represents completely accurate and realistic characteristics that match the real world aircraft. Not content with attention only on the normal flight envelope, the MV310R also excels in presenting realistic (and hard to handle!) behavior in tricky emergency situations, including difficult single engine operations.

Regardless of how the aircraft has been personalized per your preferences, or whether it has failures enabled, or what ownership mode you have set, you can be assured that our 310R will fly like the real deal, all of the time!

Features, features, and more features!

Feature creep: A tendency for product or project requirements to increase during development beyond those originally foreseen.

A common theme throughout the development process of our 310R has been all of these cool ideas we've had... as well as the total inability to say 'NO' to any of them!

Of course the MV310R has expected features such as the outstanding soundset that perfectly replicates the rumble of the twin 285hp IO-520-M engines, a wealth of live-swappable avionics packages, the ability to open the doors and windows with the resulting changes in sound, a visual accumulation of icing and frost on the windows and fuselage, full interactive checklists, VR compatibility, etc. But also, we've focused on including lots of things that aren't as immediately obvious: 3D passengers and luggage that visually varies depending on the weight set in a particular station; beautifully animated inflatable de-ice boots on all leading edges; visible dirt that accumulates on the exterior of the aircraft; clutter and mess that accumulates on the INSIDE of the aircraft... we even have surprises in store for those who want to explore the cabin of the MV310 and peek in every nook and cranny.

All of this adds up to an aircraft simulation which we are deeply proud of and very excited to share with you. It's your aircraft, your world... go fly!

Please note: In multi-player sessions, other players will see a default aircraft in place of your aircraft. Your view will be unaffected.

System Requirements (Minimum):

Operating System:
Windows 10
Windows 11

Use of this product in any other version of Windows is not supported at this time.

Intel i5 or AMD equivalent 2.6 Ghz or higher


DirectX®11 compliant video card
8 GB video RAM or higher

System Requirements (VR):

i9-9900K or AMD equivalent 2.6 Ghz or higher


DirectX®11 compliant video card
11 GB video RAM or higher


Hard Drive Space:
4.5 GB available space

Supported Platforms:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Current Product Version: 2.0.5

Use or installation of the products(s) referenced on this page in any other platform than that intended or shown above is not supported and may result in errors or a non-functioning product.

All Blackbird Simulations products require a functioning gaming controller such as a joystick for proper operation.

An internet connection is required for product activation

MSFS setup instructions

Special Features:

Multi-function in-game interactive tablet allowing control of configuration and options, including

  • Doors, reds, chocks and control lock
  • Passengers & baggage
  • Passenger comfort index
  • Fuel load for main and wing tanks
  • Dirt accretion over time with user-defined custom dirt levels

Configurable avionics suite with support for:

  • Asobo GNS530/430
  • Asobo Garmin G5
  • PMS50 GTN750 GNS530
  • TDS GTN750XI
  • Asobo GNS530
  • Classic old-skool radio nav

Default, Rental, and owned initial states

Extensive realism & failure options

Comprehensive component maintenance simulation

Realistic flight dynamics, including faithfully simulated single engine operation

Realistic startup and shutdowns using independent custom coded mag switches, fuel pump switches, and fuel selectors

Realistic systems and avionics

Interactive in-game checklist to assist with operating the aircraft, with the ability for the in-game co-pilot assist function to read off items and point the camera in the direction of the control or instrument you need to check

Walk around external checklist

6 HD liveries

Working de-ice boots

Realistic night lighting, landing lights and custom effects

High quality external and internal models

Beautiful 4K/8K textures

Highly detailed MSFS native sound environment featuring accurate Continental IO-520-M engine noise, systems audio and advanced physics based airflow sounds.

Highly detailed product operating handbook included

Set of navigation instruments: 330, 430, 530, KAP 140 transponder - all fully supporting the MSFS codebase for 100% integration

"Attention to detail is what has impressed me most with this 310R product from Blackbird Simulations. From the roar of the twin IO-520M engines on a normal takeoff to the asymmetric effects of an engine failure when airborne. It’s all there, and flies like the real thing right down to the performance manual numbers. The team at Blackbird Simulations have done an outstanding job of simulating both normal & abnormal ops with this groundbreaking release." - Cornay, CFII/MEI/310R pilot.
"If I could only have one plane in this sim,
this would be it."
- WellREDBarron, MSFS forums

Purchase Options

MV310 for MSFS2020 for personal use only

Single-platform installer supporting MSFS 2020
$39.99 USD

(Local taxes may apply)


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